China Urbanization Studies (CUS, English and Chinese editions). The series has been published by Global Century Press from 2014. It is edited jointly by Professor LI Qiang, Former Dean of School of Social Sciences at Tsinghua University, President of Chinese Sociological Association, China and Mr LI Tie, Director General of the China Center for Urban Development (CCUD), National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) China. In current statistics migrant workers moving into cities are counted as permanent urban residents, despite the fact that their economic, social and political conditions differ greatly from those enjoyed by citizens holding an urban household registration, and the vast majority of them is not entitled to the same welfare benefits as registered residents. Urbanization can be divided in the two interconnected aspects of ‘urbanization of things’ and ‘urbanization of people’. The core issue of urbanization in China is the urbanization of people. In the three decades following the ‘reform and opening-up’ rapid development was achieved in the material construction aspect of urbanization, whereas the urbanization of people, namely the transformation of farmers and rural migrant workers into urban residents and their integration into urban society, is clearly lagging behind.